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[Biz] Future of iPhone?


by S부장_미래전략 2022. 10. 28. 21:25


Jan 9, 2007, iPhone coming out!

Now we have a iPhone14 over after releasing iPhone1 in 2007.  So what will be the future of iPhone.


I expect two scenario may be happening, even if I'm not sure when the inflection timing is coming.

Eventually, iPhone is just a common product not trensetter anymore within very near future.


Scenario 1>  Near future by 2030

Will keep growing the dominant position in smartphone market to take 50-80% in major countries, US & EU.


Scenario 2>  After 2030

Will slow down the sales becasue of becoming commodity product, means not to purchase new iPhone every year.





iPhone 14 Pro Max review

The iPhone 14 Pro Max’s clever Dynamic Island, powerful cameras, always-on display and super long battery life make it the best phone money can buy.



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