언어 지식

[Data] Population Density by State

S프로 in US 2022. 10. 29. 22:17

I reviewed the population density by state using excel, and got some below insights.


  • NY and East coast states  are heavy density. - NJ, RI, MA, CT, MD, DL, NY PA
  • Suprising number for East Coast states:  NJ 12 times, MA 8 times, MD 8 times, NY 4 times.
  • But, county & city density are different against state density





U.S. Population Density Mapped - Vivid Maps

Population density has been monitored for more than 200 years in the U.S. During this time, the number of people living in the U.S. per square mile has grown from 4.5 in 1790 to 87.4 in 2010. Nowadays, the population density in the United States is 87 per


