상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

[Review] Tesla Case (2nd)

카테고리 없음

by S부장_미래전략 2022. 10. 28. 14:30


I select the autopilot as 3) option in innovation secrets at Tesla.


After one of my relatives in Maryland bought a Model S3 few months ago, she and her family became a huge admirer of Tesla cars because of silent accelerated driving and comfortable autopilot.

By appealing electric vehicles to users, Tesla are creating rapid initial market expansion including early adopters.


Tesla's autopilot system is,

1) collecting driving road and adjacent vehicle information using 1 radar, 8 cameras and 12 ultrasonic sensors

2) performing the information process and vehicle control on the CPU called Tesla FSD hardware platform.


Recently, Tesla announced that it would perform autopilot only with camera information except for one rader, but it seems that Tesla's development should be observed in a state that is not yet comparable to the human eye and brain.


In addition, Tesla explained that full self-driving package sells for an additional $10,000, it will be updated from level 2 to level 5 immediatly. But still it needs to be observed by more tests and experiments. 


However, Tesla has an overwhelming advantage in securing the most import actual data in autopilot area.

- Number of vehicles in operaton: 800k unit/150 countries

- Real road data:  3 billion miles (4.8 billion km)

- Autopilot road data: 1 billion miles (1.6 billion km)


In my point of view, the autopilot is recognized as superior to humans in many situations where even humans cannot avoid human errors.  But, it seems to think about the technical, legal and ethical issuse that exist.


For Tesla's autopilot, I think that it is right to open Tesla's car driving data on transparent way and publicize how to measure reliablilities through confidential review with public organizations.





